Smartface also has an Android emulator along with a free iOS emulator for Windows 10. free and premium, where the premium version holds some of the advanced features to help the developers in testing apps. You just need to make sure that iTunes has already been installed on the PC after which you can begin with developing applications. One of the best iOS emulators for Windows 10, Smartface is known to have an excellent and user-friendly interface that is common for developing cross-platform apps. The iOS emulator for PC is free to use and you can access network traffic, debug logs, and even quickly diagnose the problem from a remote device. No wonder why it is known as the best emulator for iPhone as developers highly recommend it for testing. If you are looking for a free iOS emulator for Windows 10, then this one is perfect for you. Interestingly, this process can happen from any browser available, hence there is no need to be specific in terms of the same. Appetize is a web-based platform that just asks you to upload your apps on the website and everything is set then.